Safety & Compliance

When Cheap Ain’t Cheerful: A Health & Safety Nightmare

When Cheap Ain’t Cheerful: A Health & Safety Nightmare

In recent years the trench cover market has seen a rise in cheap composite trench covers. In many ways they look like a typic...

Are Your Footway Boards Compliant?

Are Your Footway Boards Compliant?

An excavation or trench may be covered and appear safe for both pedestrians, vehicles and the like – but does it adhere...

End of the Road for Lane Rental Schemes?

End of the Road for Lane Rental Schemes?

In the UK we focus a lot of time & energy on keeping traffic flowing around roadworks. Alas, it’s a tale we all kno...

Utility Companies Could Be Charged to Carry out Roadworks

Utility Companies Could Be Charged to Carry out Roadworks

In a bid to reduce congestion caused by roadworks at peak times, Gloucester County Council considers new tariffs for Utility...